Week 10

Augmented Reality Project

This week, Erin and I finished up our AR project. Like the last time we worked together, we spent much of our time discussing the logistics and carefully collecting all the shots we would need to make the video make the most sense. Because our project came from the perspective on multiple characters, and played with the barriers between the real world and our cartoon world, we focused on clarity. We wanted our story to take place in a space that epitomized “urban decay” to contrast the clean and colorful aesthetic of the cartoons. The spot we chose had a lot of activity, which is why it gave us the messy look with all the LED signs and bags of garbage, but that also caused problems in filming. Lots of people were walking past, and lots of traffic to dodge. We wanted to show real humans as being toys in a cartoon world. In his feedback, Gabe had a really great point- That having normal people walk past disrupted that narrative and messed with the world building element. It’s confusing for there to be people who live in a ball as toys for cartoons, but also have normal sized people walking around on the street.

I made a few animations using Adobe Animate-

I always jump on the opportunity to do frame by frame animation. Usually I would add more elements and details but learning After Effects felt like a better use of time rather than doing something I already know how to do.

We didn’t get great footage of the ground. The perspective made it so putting feet on top made the feet look like they were a giant’s feet. It was also shaky and the perspective changed which would be challenging to smoothly animate on. So I took screenshots of the background and stitched them together on photoshop using the perspective warp tool until I had one long strip of ground and then motion tweened it to make it move with the steps.

The inside of the ball is blue so we could key it out and easily put ourselves inside the ball.

Here’s the final video!


Week 8


Final Project