Making Art With GANs
Final Project
In experimenting with different GAN models, I found that bias in the datasets used to train them were quite biased, which is not news to us. They are based on images found on the internet, and not curated to avoid mysogyny or racism. Using terms like “teen” and “women” manifested in really X-rated imagery. I decided to use these same datasets to tell my experience with femininity and coming-of-age as a way to reclaim my narrative of womanhood from internet mysogyny.

I plan on printing the frames of my animations and turning them into physical flip book boxes like in this video I found. They sell something similar at Blick. I think it would be nice to take something that is computer generated and generally only exists digitally and making it physical. This will show that the impact of the content of these biased datasets manifest in real life and that the internet is not separate from reality, it is really a reflection of reality.