Animation brings static images to life, communicating complex emotions, and creating a more engaging story. All of my animations are drawn frame by frame (no shortcuts here!) I focus on details, especially those with human subjects, so the longer you look the more movement you will find.
Real Monsters
A woman, convinced of the existence of a mythical sea creature she read about as a child, leaves her life behind and sets off to find it. This personal animated short is a work in progress.
Space Garbage
Earth’s oceans have been treated as garbage dumps, devastating ecosystems and threatening marine life. Once the oceans are filled, will we move on to exploit space next? I wanted to deliver this grave message in a beautiful and whimsical way, compelling people to watch instead of looking away and ignoring the issue.
All artwork drawn using Adobe Photoshop.
Music: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod via
Bonus Animations
Tiggy Music Video
Boston rap artist Tiggy requested playful animals animated over his music video. Animals were drawn in Photoshop and assembled using After Effects. Full video can be seen here (2018)