Week 5
This week I played around with a screen I just got from Adafruit that changes opacity based on the amount of voltage. I adapted a circuit and code that is meant to dim an LED with a potentiometer and it worked!
Getting Down to Details: Using Theories of Cognition and Learning to Inform Tangible User Interface Design (Journal Link, Drive)
TUI: Tangible User Interface Design
Creating a framework that applies previous research to future. Cataloguing how and why certain features influence educational outcome. Using Theories of Cognition and Learning to Inform Tangible User Interface Design. Embodied sensemaking: relies on social coordination, the way people react and coordinate with the actions of others in a given moment. The author sets up 7 principles to help designers look at design from multiple different angles.
Research has shown that TUI (tangible user interfaces) can support learning in multiple ways.
Seven Principles:
Social situatedness
Interactive imagery
Dialogical system
1st person perspective
Catalyzing engagement