Reading And Writing Electronic Text: Week 9

Generating Text

"Most people try to avoid death. They enjoy life, and want to know what will happen next. Many people live a hedonistic lifestyle: they make decisions and seek out experiences which they believe will maximize their pleasure in life, and avoid those that cause pain. Considering the desire to indulge in as many goods of life, people would want to live as long as possible, and dread the thought of a day in which they can no longer feel anything. Therefore, this struggles are not easy during a day of life—originally a drink once or twice a week. Meaning you may be safer, more meditative than might actually be!\nOnce the month is over, future work, snaps tomorrow afternoon, which gives up during lectures or school' day.\nRather than optimize weekends, times of night usually shake, eventually become an emotional condition, which facilitates anyone to get in the mood. Eventually plans for something done or exposed may break at Church Day 7, forcing you to live Cole and receive young people every 12 months before work becomes permanent.\nOnce you experience longer hours nearby, you think they're OK. Not an unnatural fact—we'll stay here rustling along the Cedar Gate, waiting for someone to go get pistachios."

the girl with the messy room was diagnosed with: cancer

she was disorganized and had trouble focusing, her teacher said she was: not sure what to do.

The girl with executive fucntion disorder struggled with ills and pains.


March 2


Final Project