RWET: Week 14

Final Project

Yiddish is a very descriptive language and each word packs in a lot of meaning. For this project, I imagined what the evolution of Yiddish would be into the modern era if it had not been historically eradicated.

Kvell — To experience pride in someone else, typically one’s children

Schlep — To carry or travel with difficulty

Shmatte — A rag or old garment

Ungepatchka- overly ornate, busy, ridiculously over-decorated, kitch, and garnished to the point of distaste

First I wanted to generate new complaint words, but there are already so many great Yiddish complaint words, and I started to think about how I could create new Yiddish words for the modern era.

It was difficult to find transliterated Yiddish texts that could also be copy and pasted. The texts that I found offered enough “sound” content to generate the fake words, but the translations didn’t have enough content to provide meaningful generated definitions. So I wanted to create more modern text definitions instead.

I used one of my previous assignments where I generated headlines for teen magazines as the definitions using Tracery. Then took transliterations of Yiddish Folk songs and used that as the corpus to generate fake Yiddish words with Markov chains.

Had to get rid of some oys!

mayt visro= Inexpensive ingredients that revamp to your bone structure.

yn gegt da= Proven items that thicken to your hair.

ma mir nit= Somethings that is make your relationships fake.

yn ikh zi = Cheap skincare products to make your shoes nail.

nen shtim= Somethings that is hide your workout.

I used one of my previous assignments where I generated headlines for teen magazines as the definitions using Tracery. Then took transliterations of Yiddish Folk songs and used that as the corpus to generate fake Yiddish words with Markov chains.

It was difficult to find transliterated Yiddish texts that could also be copy and pasted.


April 6