Tangible Electronics for Teaching and Learning

Week 7

Youth Participatory Action Research 

  • Young people who know injustice intimately are included as co researchers

  • Expertise is widely distributed but legitimacy is not

  • Injustice doesn’t live in poor communities, it circulates between wealthy and poor communities

  • Feed research back into community because it’s done by community

  • Hull House, Jane Addams- privileged people should live with poor and exchange skills 

  • Underrepresented groups aren’t just being “caught up,” but rather what they can uniquely contribute is being acknowledged. Celebratory rather that conciliatory language.


“Move fast and break things.” - Mark Zuckerberg

Fine responds by saying:

 “I work with the children whose things you have broken”

  • What does this mean to you? Can you think of specific ways this might manifest? Have you observed innovation creating destruction?

  • She says she’s an innovation agnostic, and works in communities where innovations come and go.

  • What’s might accountability for innovation look like? 

  • What does it mean to be a good ally? How can those with privilege “show up to the table” mindfully?


Week 6


Week 8